Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Best Laid Plans……..

…….of mice and men gang aft agley!

Which is Robert Burns’ way of saying that shit happens, and from our current point of view he is dead right.

After being promised our motorhome would be ready on 1 July, we called the dealer the day before to arrange to pick it up as promised, to be met by a puzzled salesperson in Preston looking at the computer and saying “oh it hasn’t arrived here yet”.

Well, when will it arrive we asked, only to get no satisfaction or direction except that they would check and call us “right back”. We have since discovered that being called right back means sometime within a week, and 10 days later we are still wondering when our vehicle will be ready. All we know is that the manufacturer has not had delivery of some interior cabinet doors and that if I’d offered to make and fit them myself, it would have been quicker. So much for our ho;iday in Stockholm with Jess (which is looking completely unlikely now).

 Anyway, being forced to spend several days extra in the Lake District could be seen as a bonus if it wasn’t for the various ferry bookings and flights that we had booked to coincide with our supposed schedule. We will have to sue them later.

 On Sunday afternoon we decided that a walk up Warton Crag (right next to where we are staying) would provide a bit of exercise and a decent view.

Climbing up the crag (and looking very happy about it!)


A profusion of saxifrages

and these little posies were everywhere.

as were the dog roses.

The view over the bay from half-way up.

And at the top, Gollum, lurking under a pile of limestone boulders left by the last ice age 20,000 years ago. (The picture doesn’t quite capture the way the boulders were just resting on each other at 2-3 points of balance).


The weather was fine at the bottom and then changed in a minute from warm and dry, to fierce winds and pouring rain. Luckily we managed to get back to shelter before we got soaked. Being parked 25 yards from the village pub is also an added advantage.

Hopefully, next post will see us on our way to Scandinavia but don't hold your breath!

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